Do you like things and stuff?
What a coincidence! We are always working on things and stuff.

This is our day job, and our hobby. If you need anything, from a birthday invite for your toddler to an entire brand make over for your business, we can help you with that. From logos, to brochures. From invites to photo books and everything in between.

Not only can we design the things for you, but we can get those things together for you. If you need promo pins, t shirts, business cards, invites, postcards, rack cards, brochures, posters or most anything (we even put together scratch & wins for clients). We may not be able to produce everything ourselves but we can make your life a lot easier by taking care of it for you.

We make all kinds of stuff. Custom pins, custom crates, lamps, custom hand stitched patches, custom pieces of wood with string on it, no problem. We even make furniture from time to time.
The Bay Town Cats & Kittens

Macy Raygun
Public Relations Mastermind
Knee high to a grasshopper and oozing charm, our PR specialist could warm her way into the heart of a snowman and charm her way through a grinch convention.

Designer / Stitcher
If you can see past our PR Guru you will notice the happy face of Melissa. Not only an award winning designer but an all around creative force and a wiz with a needle.

Head Honcho
Luxstipher Ratriguez is only fluffy on the outside. Inside he is all business. Well business and whatever parts of the cat rub together to make that rumbley noise.

Designer / Tinkerer
That’s me behind our PR whirlwind, I’ve been doing art and design for a couple decades now. It’s not all I do, but everything else I do gets filtered through it somehow.
Visit my portfolio page.
Send us a note.